My Girls…July 2019

I am feeling really emotional about both my girls at the moment. As we are in the last week of the school term, which will see Holly finish her first year at school and see Alice finish her time at the infants school.

It only seemed like yesterday I was dropping Holly off at school on her first day and now here she is a proper little school girl, with her first year done. I couldn’t be prouder of her.

And Alice well, don’t get me started on how it is even possible that she has done her three years at the infants school. How is it possible that I have a child old enough to go to the juniors. I adore the school she is at, and they have been brilliant with Alice. It will be with a heavy heart that she says goodbye to it next week.

This last month has been a busy one, it is one of the busiest terms at school and there is always something that one of the girls needs to do or is doing at the school. It has definitely felt like I am going to drop the ball at one point and forget something.

Last weekend Andy went away with his friends for an early birthday celebration, which gave me a whole weekend with my girls. I loved it! They are at such a brilliant age, they are the best of friends and adore each other. They play on the whole, really well together and make it so much easier for me. When I found out I was pregnant with Holly and that we would have a two year gap, almost to the day with them, I was nervous about how I would cope. To be honest I’m not sure I coped that well, but we made it through those tough early years and here I am with a nearly 5 and 7 year old. It definitely has got easier and I am lucky to have two girls that want to be together.

We didn’t doing anything particularly special. With a busy few weeks, it was nice to have some chilled time. I took them to pizza hut for lunch, as a well done for getting amazing school reports. We went to a park that we don’t go to that often and they played football for ages. We snuggled on the sofa and watched a film. They went out on their bikes, we played board games and we headed to the girls school summer fayre. It was a simple weekend, but filled with love, laughter and my gorgeous girls.

I took these photos of the girls outside our house, while they were resting from ridging on their bikes. I brought a cheap bench from IKEA, as I am out there so often and got tired of having to stand and watch them, to sit on the floor. Its the best thing I did, and now I can comfortably watch them and they can have a rest on there too.


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