My Girls…July 2020

Here I am writing my monthly post about the girls, with a week left of the school year. Holly is still at school and she loves it. Life for her has pretty much retuned to normal. Her week days at school, and her weekends with us. Yes, our weekends look a little bit different, but we are trying to make them as much fun as we can.

For Alice, I am still home schooling her. Sadly, Alice’s school made the decision to just take back the year 5’s. Which meant that both year 3 and year 4, didn’t get a chance to go back to school before the summer. I am really sad for Alice. She loves school, and misses her friends. But she has been amazing at doing her school work at home.

It’s meant that after school, Alice comes with me to pick up Holly and they love being back together. They are now having a chance to miss each other again, and that has definitely made a difference in our home. I love watching the games they make up and seeing them play together.

As we head towards the start of the summer holidays, one that will be a lot different to what we have done in the past. But I will try and make it as fun as possible. They deserve it. We’re lucky that we have both the girls birthday’s and Andy’s birthday to celebrate, which makes it all a bit more exciting. I can’t believe I’m going to have a 6 and 8 year old, it just doesn’t seem possible.

We’re still enjoying exploring more of where we live and a couple of weekends ago we headed to a new woods not to far from us. The girls got to run, jump and walk together and it was nice to have somewhere new to walk. This is where I captured these photos of the girls and I adore them.


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