My Girls…June 2018

The last month gave us half term, where we had a little break away with my parents for my birthday, I had some lovely days with my girls and we had a trip to Warwick Castle. It was the perfect week and it was really lovely to have this time with my girls.

School holidays are precious, its the time that I get to have Alice without school getting in the way and we don’t have a routine dictating our time. It’s a time that my girls get to have uninterrupted time together and I can see that intense bond that they have grow even more closer.

Yes, it can be hard work and there are moments when I desperate for 5 minutes peace, but I will always love this time. To have lazy mornings, when they snuggle in our bed together and watch TV while I shut my eyes for 1 minute and hug them tight.

When I can hear them making up a game to play in Alice’s bedroom while I’m getting ready. I love eavesdropping on their conversations its just the cutest to hear them. They are like two old woman and I have to stifle a laugh so that they don’t hear me.

They walked everywhere we went hand in hand, held hands in the back of the car and every time they sat on the sofa, they couldn’t sit any closer to each other if they tried.

Seeng my girls together during the holidays is my favourite time, they get the best of each other and not just the witching hour after school. I know they love it just as much as I do.

A week was not long enough and I can’t wait for the summer holidays, where we have lots of fun adventures planned, 3 birthdays to celebrate and its going to be the best summer yet.

The weather has been really mixed the last few weeks and my photos this month were taken on a sunny day, which we spent in the garden and we got the pool out. The girls love it and whilst Alice is braver than Holly, they have lots of fun in it.

The girls were messing around doing starfish shapes and I managed to get them to do a few for me too. Then they were just laughing and I love these simple photos of them.

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