My Girls…June 2019

The last month has flown by and I can’t believe we are now in June. It’s a shame that the weather hasn’t realised yet! It’s so mixed at the moment, we’ve had brief periods of sunny days and we’ve all got excited and put the sandals on. Then its quickly turned back to cold, wet and miserable days. I’m really hoping it sorts itself out soon.

In the last month the girls had their half term which we always love and they love having this time together. It was also the first school holiday that Andy had it all off with us. Usually there will be an inset day or he will only take a couple of days off, so it was a real treat to have him off for the whole week.

We had a really lovely time together, the girls were tired from school at the start of the holidays and we had a few relaxed days for them to recharge their batteries. Then we headed to Devon for a few days and it was really lovely. We were so lucky that the sun came with us and we had some gorgeous weather. We even made it to the beach which they loved.

I know I’ve probably said this before, but I really wish I could pause time right now. I just adore the age that both the girls are. They are still innocent, they adore each other and they honestly are a joy to be around. They hardly squabble with each other and the holidays are definitely when they are at their best.

I love how they get into sync with each other and every holiday there will be a theme to their play and they just play whatever it is for that holiday, all the time. At the moment its teachers and they take it in turns to be the teacher or the mum dropping the child off. It’s so cute watching them.

I can’t believe we’re now in the final weeks of the school year. It will be the end of Holly’s first school year and it only feels like yesterday, that it was her first day. She has settled in really well, made some lovely friendships and loves going to school. I’m just hoping that continues into next year. It is also nearly the end of Alice’s time at the infant school. I can’t believe that she will be too old for an infant school, where did my little go. She is very excited about going to the juniors and I just hope that when she gets there it meets all her expectations. In a couple of weeks we will find out which class both the girls will be for September and I’m praying they are with their friends, as that makes a big difference to their love of school.

My photos this month were taken on our holiday to Devon and I love them.

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