My Girls…June 2020

Another month has passed and we still find ourselves in the coronavirus pandemic. We’re still in lockdown, however it has started to ease, which has meant a few changes for my girls.

At the beginning of June we had the option to send Holly back to school. A decision that kept me awake at night for weeks. Trying to decide what the right thing to do was. We decided to send Holly back, and a couple of weeks we went for the first time. School was going to be different, but it didn’t mean that it was going to bad. Children adapt to change so much better than we do and Holly is a child that takes life in her stride.

Going to school is more than just their education, and we felt that it was what Holly needed. We spoke to the girls about it, and Holly was really excited about it. Alice wasn’t worried that Holly was going back and she wasn’t. She understood the reasons that government had said about it being harder to teach younger children at home. It also meant that I would be able to give her more attention and help with her school work.

It was the best decision for us. Holly is loving being back at school, they’ve done a brilliantly at the school. Our house has been calmer since, having the time to sit and help Alice with her school work. Alice is benefitting too. Its been such a relief to know we made the right decision. Of course this was what is right for us and it will be different for every family.

The girls are also having a chance to miss each other and when Holly gets home they are loving playing with each other.

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