My Girls…May 2020

I can’t believe a month has passed since I last wrote about my girls. In normal life, the days and weeks flyby because we’re busy. As we are still in lockdown, we’re not busy, yet the weeks are going by quickly. Here we are a month later and still in lockdown thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.

A lot has changed in the last month. We’ve settled into lockdown life, the girls don’t ask to go anywhere and they fully understand that we can’t and why. The last couple of weeks have been tough. We’ve seen a lot of high emotion from Alice, which has affected us all. It’s made life a lot harder and because the girls are constantly together Holly has to put up with a lot from Alice. This week we started to take separate walks, with Andy taking Alice out and Holly coming with me. This has helped, as it gives them a break from each other and when they come back together its like they’ve pressed the reset button for a while. I think we will continue to do this a few times a week when its needed.

I’m hoping that things calm down with Alice soon. Luckily Holly has continued to be a dream through it all. She is doing her school work every morning, and whilst she tells me its not her favourite thing to do. She does get on and do it. Which I’m grateful for.

Lately the girls have been doing a lot of colouring, they enjoy looking for colouring online for me to print off for them and they will sit for a while doing it. I’ve been joining them and its really relaxing.

Even though we’re having a harder time at the moment, I hope they will still look back at this time as a moment in time they enjoyed together. And I’m praying that by the time I write this post next month, things have improved not only with Alice. But also with the lockdown situation.

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