Review: Halloween Shopping with B&M…


With all the children back to school and September coming to an end this week. It’s time to start thinking about Halloween, yes its that time of year to dig out that fancy dress costume from the back of your wardrobe and join in with your children.

Alice is old enough to know all about Halloween and Holly just wants to do whatever her big sister is doing. This year Halloween falls on a Monday just after half term week and Alice has an inset day too. So, I’m thinking about doing a little Halloween party for their friends.

The girls and I took a trip to our local B&M store to get everything that we would need.

Of course the first thing Alice spotted was the fancy dress costumes and she had the all important decision of which one to pick. It came down to a Snow White Halloween version or a pink witches outfit, of course the pink witches outfit won.


RRP £9.99

The minute I saw this ghost costume I had to get it for Holly. How cute does she look…


RRP £6.99

It comes with tights and a hat (which she wouldn’t wear!).


Next was the buckets that they both wanted, apparently for their treats according to Alice.


RRP £1 each

We then spotted these fab glitter drinking glasses with a straw. They look like they have liquid in them, which completely baffled Holly and she kept trying to drink it.


RRP £1.99 each

Finally for the girls we got these rotary lights which look brilliant lit up.

A pumpkin for Alice…


RRP £1.69

And a ghost for Holly…


RRP £1.69

We then started to look at ways to decorate the house. We started with a sign to go outside the front door.


RRP £1.99

We got some garlands that light up and some candles.


Light Up Garland RRP £3.99; Candles RRP £1.99

I also picked up this lovely lantern, that lights up.


RRP £4.99

Alice really wanted this ghost light up garland, that they had hanging up in the shop.


Just as I thought we were done, I spotted these fab Halloween bowls that will be perfect for putting all the treats in.


RRP £1 each

I was really impressed with the selection that B&M had and the prices were amazing. I don’t really want to be spending a fortune on Halloween for one day.

So, that is us all sorted for Halloween…

Laura x

Disclosure: We’ve were given a voucher to go shopping at B&M for the purpose of this review. All views and opinions are my own.

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