Sharing the Blog Love Showcase…#14

Blogger Showcase

Is it just me that the weeks are whizzing by? How is it possible that its the last day of September tomorrow! We had a great week of brilliant posts linking up last week and I enjoyed reading them in my new ‘me time’. Now Alice is at school, I get to have Holly’s nap time to myself for the first time.

Anyway, here are my favourites from last week…


When I read this post, Disappointing Weekends, I could totally relate to it. As a SAHM too, I also live for the weekends when Andy is home. Life becomes that little bit easier with an extra pair of hands. But, I also know exactly what she means about her children still wanting her, even though her husband is just as capable to get them their snack. I have this all the time and Alice will often check with me that daddy is doing it right. It can be totally draining when they constantly seek you out, when you are trying to have five minutes peace.


If you have a toddler, you need to read this post, 25 Reasons Toddlers Cry Before 8am. I have to admit I am getting an easier ride with Holly, than I did with Alice. I think its a combination of being a second time mum and knowing how to dance the tune a bit better and also Holly being a more chilled out child. But, there are days when it all goes out the window and I experience some, if not all of these!

Our Rach

Who doesn’t love a bit of Britney Spears? Reading this post, Top 10 Britney Spears songs, took me back a few years. I’m not ashamed to admit I love Britney, her songs are just so easy to listen to and you find yourself tapping that foot and singing along. I do love a bit of Stronger, but I think I also agree, Womanizer is my favourite too!

3 Little Ladies and Me

I have always loved to buy clothes and since having Alice that has spread over to buying clothes for her. Then when Holly came along, well lets just say these girls have more clothes than me. With autumn here, its the perfect time to get their new wardrobe ready. Thankfully Taryn has helped me out with her post, Autumn Dresses and Hair Accessories, I love these posts as I normally find little gems that I didn’t know about and that definitely happened with the gorgeous hair accessories that are featured.

If you missed any of these, why not pop over and have a read now…

Laura x


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