Shopping Made Easy With Smyth’s Toys…

Shopping Made Easy With Smyth’s Toys…

Now there is nothing more exciting than a toy shop as a child. But actually with Alice it can be my worse nightmare.

In the past when I’ve taken Alice to a toy shop with either birthday money she has received or pocket money she has saved up, she has become a bit overwhelmed with it all. It’s like there is just too much to choose from and her brain can’t cope. It would normally end up with me being frustrated that she doesn’t know what to pick and just wandering around and Alice getting upset because she just doesn’t know what to do, almost worried she is going to be the wrong thing.

But thanks to Smyth’s Toys catalogue I’ve been able to change our approach. When it arrived through the post, Alice was excited to see what it had inside.

I explained to Alice that she can go through it and circle anything she liked the looked of. Then we wold go through the list together.

Armed with her felt tip pen Alice went through marking off what was on her wish list.

With lots to choose from and split into sections it wasn’t long before Alice had decided what she would love. We went through the catalogue together and Alice showed me what she liked the look of. We discussed and I questioned a few of her choices and by the end of it, we had a wish list for Christmas and the one item that Alice wanted to go any buy now with our Smyth’s voucher.

Off we went to Smyth’s Toys….

Alice had chosen the VTech Kiddizoom Selfie Cam. She is a little girl who is following after her mummy and having a love of taking photos. I couldn’t spot the selfie cam and asked a member of staff, who was very helpful and advised it was an over the counter purchase and showed me where to go. I think they keep the more technical, items there and we were able to have a little demo of it.

Once we had purchased it, Alice couldn’t wait to try it out. It’s safe to say there has been some rather interesting photos been taken from Alice. Maybe I need to do a little post to show you them!!

The best bit was the experience. Thanks to the Smyth’s Toy catalogue Alice had already decided what she was going to buy before we arrived. This meant that there was no frustrations, no tears and just pure happiness.

Alice likes to take it out when we go on family walks and I love this photo that I captured of her taking a selfie with daddy. The natural smiles in this photo of lovely to see. I really must have a look at the memory card to see if the actual photo she took is a good one!

And of course when your big sister is at school, it means that you get to play with it too!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Smyth’s Toys.

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