The Coronavirus Diary…#25

Tuesday 23rd March 2021

A year ago today, it was announced that at midnight we would be going into lockdown. A term that we didn’t really use, but one that is now firmly etched in our minds forever. At the time we thought it was going to be for a short while, but then it was extended and now a year later here we are coming to the end of our third lockdown.

Whilst we haven’t been in full lockdown for the whole year, we have for a lot of it and even when we’ve not been in lockdown we have been living with restrictions. It’s been the longest, strangest year of my life.

I don’t think that Holly remembers life before Covid, and both the girls have stopped asking me when will Covid go away. They have assumed that they won’t be able to have birthday parties again this year, even without me discussing it with them. It breaks my heart when I think about all the memories that they’ve missed out on. They only have birthday parties for a short part of their life, before they are no longer cool! They didn’t have one last year and I can’t see them having one this year. I know that they still had brilliant birthday’s last year, but you can’t help but think about what they didn’t have.

This current lockdown has been the hardest one, the winter days haven’t helped and we’re just all a bit bored of it now. It’s definitely having an affect on my mood and I know that it is on Andy’s too. There is no sign of when he will be able to not work from home and I think sitting in the office all day, 5 days a week is taking its toll on him. He is a very sociable person and misses the daily interaction he would normally have. Video calls are just not the same!

I feel like I have no get up and go in me. When the girls went back to school I wrote a list of things that I wanted to do around the house once they were back and I haven’t done a single one. I just can’t be bothered and that isn’t like me. I’ve now set myself a new goal of decorating Holly’s bedroom for her after the Easter holidays. I’ve told her I’m doing it, which will make me do it. I’m hoping that will kick start me into getting my love back for doing things around the house.

As for the girls are still enjoying being back at school, They definitely have a new appreciation of school, and are aware that at any point bubbles could close or school could shut again and are making the most of their with their friends. There has been no moaning about not wanting to go! I’m grateful that they are happy and healthy and I hope that they come out of this whole thing unscathed. I worry about their education all the time and the effect not being in school has had on them.

Next Monday is the end of the third lockdown, when we will be able to start to see other people outside and I can’t wait. Whilst we won’t be going crazy, as we still need to be careful to avoid not getting to the next stage on the lockdown roadmap. It will be lovely to be able to meet up with friends and family. The girls break up for Easter next Thursday and it means we can do more, than they’ve been able to do this year.

I’m hoping as we move into the next stage of coming out of lockdown it will lift my mood and give us hope that brighter times are coming.

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