The Coronavirus Diary…#3

Tuesday 14th April 2020

I haven’t written my diary for a few weeks, I’m not sure why. Life just seemed to take over and I didn’t realise it had been so long since my last diary entry!

Since my last entry, not a lot has changed. We’re still in full lockdown and not able to leave the house, except for once a day we can go for our daily exercise. We are also allowed to leave to go to the supermarket, but we’ve been lucky enough to get a delivery and haven’t needed to. We continued to do home schooling and even though the official Easter holidays started on 6th April, we did a few more days. I found that the structure of the day was working well for us and the girls didn’t question it.

We’ve just had four lovely days over the Easter weekend with Andy not working and it was lovely. Life is definitely easier in lockdown when Andy isn’t working, and we don’t have the pressure of school work. We were also really lucky that the sunshine turned up too and we spent most the time in the garden. Andy got the water slide out for the girls and they had great fun.

My favourite part of the day, is our daily exercise. On Easter Saturday, Alice and I went out for a bike ride together and it was lovely. The roads are a lot quieter at the moment, and its been a brilliant time to teach Alice road safety. She has been going out a lot with Andy. Also over the weekend we found two new walks, which we didn’t know existed. There aren’t many positives to Lockdown, but one of them has been discovering new beautiful places to walk right on our doorstep. The girls have loved it.

Ou Easter weekend, mainly consisted of eating and the girls and I did Easter baking. We made Easter cakes and scones, for a lovely afternoon tea on Easter Monday. I really didn’t want Andy to go back to work today, and neither did he.

We spent our time colouring, Alice is starting a story and I also taught her how to make friendships bracelets. I used to love making them as a child, and she has sat for hours doing the same.

Andy and I decided to sort the garden out, ok it was my idea, but he did agree. We’ve been meaning to sort out our garden for the last couple of years. At the moment it is just patio and grass and I want to make it more lived in and like a garden, if you know what I mean. I think we now have a plan and its something that we can do ourselves, which is even better.

The girls are doing really well, I’m still amazed at how they’ve just accepted their new world. Enjoying this time together and Andy being around more. They have their moments, as most children do. But generally they’ve been brilliant.

I’m sleeping better, and not lying awake worrying. But I’m now in a period of exhaustion. I read an interesting article at the weekend, which described how I’m feeling perfectly and apparently its all normal. I’m taking more time for me and I’ve been enjoying doing adult colouring, its really relaxing my mind.

It looks like on Thursday the government will be announcing that lockdown will continue for another 3 weeks, which isn’t a surprise. We haven’t reached the peak yet and I don’t think anything will change until June at least.

For now, I’m trying to focus on us together as a family, and grateful that we’re safe and healthy.

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