The Coronavirus Diary…#4

Monday 20th April 2020

I mentioned in my last post that we were expecting the government to make an announcement extending the lockdown, and that did happen last Thursday. Whilst it wasn’t a surprise, and the lockdown is still very much needed. It was hard to hear. Knowing that we’re still not able to see friends and family in person is hard.

Today was also the first day back to school after the Easter holidays, we didn’t completely stop over the holidays, but today was the first day for two weeks that the school sent out work. Holly’s school has changed what they are sending us, and its now more craft based. Which I have to admit I’m not a fan off. It doesn’t feel like there is any learning that is progressing them. Plus its hard on Alice, to see Holly just doing craft work and she has more sit down work. So, I’ve decided to source some of my own work for Holly to balance it out. What I’m learning through all this, is that everyone has to find what works for them and their children. The school are sending out generic work, which isn’t going to work for everyone. Now I have made the decision, I feel a lot better about tomorrow.

If it wasn’t for the school side of things, I would be quite happy in lockdown. I just worry about them getting behind and I feel pressure to keep on top of it. I’m enjoying this time with the girls, the slower pace of life. With no clubs, there is no rushing around and I like it. The girls seem to be thriving on it. Holly has grown up a lot over the last few weeks and I think she is going to find it the hardest to go back to school, once this is over.

Yes, we’re missing friends and family and I’m very grateful for technology to enable us to keep in touch with people. The girls love video calling my parents everyday and its always them that ask me if they can do it.

Our daily walks are my favourite part of the day, where we live we’re very lucky to have some gorgeous walks on our doorstep. Its the one time that I forget about what is happening and can enjoy doing something that we would’ve done regardless of the situation.

Right now I’m not sure when this will all be over. I don’t think it will be anytime before my birthday, but I’m ok with that. The thought of actually going anywhere where there will be a lot of people actually worries me and I don’t think we will be rushing anywhere. I just want us all to stay and safe in our bubble, and I’m happy to do that for as long as is necessary.

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