The Coronavirus Diary…#9

Wednesday 27th May 2020

We finished school work last Friday and it felt really good to have reached half term. The weekend started off very windy and we had to change our plans on Saturday. Not that we really have plans, but I was going to do some painting outside and decided that I would end up wearing the paint if I did it!

For our daily walk we went to a woods not that far from us, that we could walk to. There was a rope swing that someone had put up and the girls and Andy had great fun swinging on it. They can’t wait for us to go back again.

Sunday was a lot less windy and we headed in the car to have a walk at a place 10 minutes down the road from us. It was really nice to go somewhere new and it not be busy. We had a lovely walk and there were lots of sheep and lambs for us to see. The girls loved it. I think next time we will take their scooters.

Late Sunday afternoon Andy went and played tennis with a friend. We’re lucky that we have two tennis courts in our village that you can use for free. I think it did him good to go and see a friend and have a break. The girls and I made homemade pizzas while he was gone and they were delicious.

It was really nice to have the bank holiday Monday and a bonus day with Andy off work. The weather was amazing and we got the pool out, as it was going to be nice all week. Andy did a bbq and it was a really relaxing day. Alice was a bit grumpy, as she has not been sleeping very well. But apart from that it was nice!

Late afternoon I cycled to meet my friend half way between our homes. We sat on our separate picnic blankets 2M apart and talked and talked. It was really lovely to see her and to have a break from family life for a couple of hours. It was really hot and time ran away with us, we stayed a lot longer than we planned. But it was very much needed.

Yesterday and today Andy has been at work and with the girls on half term they had no school work. But I wanted to keep some structure to our days, and get them to do things that didn’t feel like school work but I helps them, if you know what I mean. So, we did their scrapbooks. We hadn’t done them for a while because normally once they’ve finished their school work they just want to go outside. I thought half term was the perfect time to catch up. They loved doing it, and for the last two mornings we’ve sat printing pictures, writing the captions and writing a timeline of what we’ve been doing in lockdown. They are doing hand writing practice, without even realising!!

They also have some maths activity books, which they love doing and don’t really see as school work, so we’ve been doing those as well. Then after lunch we’ve been spending the afternoons in the garden. Yesterday was another really hot day and they spent most of it in the pool. We had our walk in the evening after dinner.

Today was a bit overcast and humid. They still went in the pool for a bit and then we had a walk before coming home for dinner.

Tomorrow is the announcement from the government on whether we are moving to the next phase, which if we do, it will include schools opening for Year R, Year 1 and Year 6. Which means that Holly might soon be going back to school. We’ve had some information through from her school about how it will work. We will find out soon which children and teacher she will be with, as it may not be her normal teacher as the class sizes have to be smaller.

We haven’t made a final decision of whether we’re sending her back or not. Every time I think I’ve made a decision, I then panic about if its the right one. I know I need to listen to my head and not my heart. We haven’t heard anything about when Alice will return. I’m hoping she will get some time back at school before the summer holidays.

I’m also hoping that tomorrows announcement will include us being able to meet up with more than 1 person at a time. It would be lovely to be able to meet up with another household outside, and see our friends. I know the girls would love it too. Fingers crossed!

Andy is now off work for the rest of this week. He originally had the whole week off as we were meant to be going away, but obviously that was cancelled. He decided to keep two days off, as he really needs a break.

The weather looks like its going to be hot for a while, and I’m very grateful as we can be out in the garden.

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