Trying A New Snack, Cheesies…Plus A Giveaway!

I love cheese, I mean who doesn’t love cheese? When I was asked to try Cheesies, of course I quickly said yes please. I didn’t quite know what to expect from them. But I will get straight to it, they are delicious!

Of course there are lots of different types of cheese and I was sent three packets, Cheddar, Gouda and Emmental. They come in 60g bags, and each back contains 3 portions.

What are Cheesies? They are cheese turned into delicious crunchy popped balls that are perfect to eat anywhere. Cheese is the only ingredient making them low in carbs and high in protein. The cheese they use at the moment than less then 0.1g of carbs per 100g.

You can really taste the type of cheese, there is a clear flavour difference in them and the cheddar ones are my favourite. They are also gluten free and vegetarian and I know that my friends that are gluten free were very excited when I told them about Cheesies.

How are they made? They cut up cubes of cheese that are then quickly dried and baked. Then they are popped in the bags ready to be sold. They packets are resealable too, making them easy to store.

You can currently only buy Cheesies via their website and postage is £2.50 or free on orders over £15.

I have a great giveaway for one lucky reader to a bag of Cheesies. All you have to do to enter is head to the gleam below, it ends on 23rd June 2019. Good Luck!

Win A Selection Of Cheesies #2

Disclosure: I was kindly sent my packets of  cheesies in return for an honest review. All views, opinions and photos are my own.

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