Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Last Day at Preschool…

I can’t believe this day has come, how is it possible that my little girl is leaving preschool. It only seems like yesterday that Alice took my hand for that first walk to preschool with a beaming smile on her face and telling me to walk faster. She has never once cried at drop off […]

Kids Songs CD and A CBeebies Bundle Of Goodies…Plus A Giveaway!

CBeebies has been in my life for five years and I can’t see a time when it won’t. I love the favourite of programmes that it has and both my gives have their own favourite, as well as programmes that they both love. We were recently sent the new Kids Songs CD which released on […]

Is It Time To Accept This Is Me?

I don’t ever remember a time when I was comfortable being me, I look back at my childhood and even then I wasn’t. I’ve always worried about fitting in, do people like, will people like, what do I wear to something, the list goes on… This has been my whole adult life, I spend hours […]

Winter Walks, Proud Mummy and Our New Home…Happy Days #39

I normally find that January can drag a little bit, but this week flew by. It was Alice’s first full week back at school and she wasn’t too tired, which was a bonus. Let’s talk happy moments… Number One Last Sunday we went for a walk in the woods near us with our friends and […]