Dear Holly…The End of Year Two & Goodbye To The Infants!

To My Gorgeous Holly,

It only seems like yesterday that I waved you off on your first day at school. What a three years it has been! On that first day no one could’ve predicted that your first year at school, was going to be the only full year you would do at the infants school. That a pandemic would come along and close the school half way through year one and then again in year two.

You amaze me every day. You’ve shown us what a resilient little girl you are. How you just take everything in your stride and always with a smile on your face. You’re the happiest little girl I know. During home schooling in year two, you were a superstar and showed me how much you had grown up. Yes, you wanted to play with your toys, but we soon settled into a routine that meant you got the work done and you could play.

When the school re-opened on March 8th, you skipped in happily with no hesitation. Happy to be back! It’s not always been an easy time for you, and you have learnt some difficult lessons when it comes to friendships and it has literally broken my heart in two. I’m grateful that you have friends that can see you, for the wonderful kind girl that you are.

Reading your school report this year, I’m really proud of everything that you’ve achieved. We couldn’t have asked for any more from you. It’s been a disruptive time for lots of reasons, but you have continued to work hard.

I’ve just got back from watching you in your leavers service and I was a very proud mummy. You sang your solo perfectly and said your words loud and clear. If you saw Mummy crying, I promise you they were tears of joy and a little bit of sadness that my baby girl is leaving.

It’s now time for us to say goodbye to the infant school and you’re the last one in our family to attend. It’s been a wonderful school for both you and Alice, but I can tell that you’re ready for the junior school. You’re very excited to be joining Alice at the juniors and you will have two wonderful years together.

Now, its time to put away the uniform and have an amazing summer together!

Love you always




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