Five Years Of Writing My Blog and A New Name…

On one hand I can’t believe that I’ve been writing my blog for five years and on the other hand, it feels like forever. I still can’t believe that a hobby I started, I’m firstly still doing it and secondly it’s my job. A job that I love. I never normally stick at hobbies, which means this is my greatest achievement!

I wrote last year about how blogging has changed and the blogging community. It is still the same as it was! I’ve found this last six months the hardest time, since I started. When Covid arrived, my work dried up, which is understandable given the circumstances we were in and are still in. I know that most of the blogging community have experienced the same and only a few people who have been fortunate enough to have continued work throughout this time.

One advantage meant that I could focus more on home schooling the girls and the work I did have, I could manage to get done in the evenings. It also gave me a chance to step back and think about what I want to do. I know that I will always blog, as I love it. But with the uncertain times and having no way of knowing whether work will pick up again or not. Its been an unsettling period.

A few weeks ago, I decided that I needed to fall back in love with my blog and when I say blog, I mean Instagram too. As that is a hugh part of blogging now. For a very long time, I haven’t liked my blog name – Dear Bear and Beany. When I started my blog I only thought my Mum would read it and the name came about, because Bear and Beany are the girls nicknames we call them. As I was writing about our family memories, the name seemed to fit and I honestly didn’t give it much thought. I felt like I had outgrown the name and that my blog has become a lot more, than just the girls. I love writing about my life, interiors and our adventures and wanted a name that could include it all.

So many times over the last couple of years I’ve nearly changed the name. I would have a note on my phone to add names to, as I thought of them. Because this time I gave the name a lot more thought. Anyway I never did change it and deleted the note on my phone.

Then a few weeks ago, I just decided to do it. The name came to me, I checked to see if the domain name and social channels had it available and they all did. It felt like it was meant to be. I hastily changed my Instagram name one morning and then went out for the day, so that I couldn’t change my mind!

And my new name – Inside Laura’s Life was born.

I loved it immediately and I haven’t regretted doing it. In fact I wish I had done it sooner. I feel like everything that I write about and share, fits under this name. Also with the girls getting older, I will be sharing less of them and this name means its not about them.

I still have a lot of changes that I need to make on my blog. The summer holidays just took over my life and I haven’t had a chance to do anything. My work has also started to pick up again, with two very exciting campaigns that I’m working on. I feel like the new name, gave me a new love again.

With the girls back at school I have my days back to work. A chance to catch up and do all the behind the seen jobs of having a blog, that have been neglected over the last six months. I’ve also decided it’s time to get myself a desk, as I mainly sit on the sofa which I know isn’t good for me. We had a change around of rooms during lockdown and there is now space for one. I have it on order and its due at the end of the month and I can’t wait.

I’m looking forward to what this next year will bring and maybe some more changes are around the corner.

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