Montacute House, National Trust…

On our way home from our holiday in Cornwall, we stopped off at Montacute House. It is a gorgeous National Trust property in the beautiful village of Montacute. As we were approaching it, you could see it was right in the heart of the village.

When we visited, due to the coronavirus pandemic, you have to prebook your tickets and they have a reduced capacity. Which means that you know that it isn’t going to be busy and you can easily social distance. They have also made it a one way system around the grounds, with a separate entrance and exit.

When we arrived, the toilets were immediately on our left and we all used them. I’m not sure how you would get back to them, if you needed them later because of the one way system.

The house is stunning to look at. It was closed when we visited to the public and it would be lovely to come back once its open. It is an Elizabethan house and I expect it is beautiful inside. I love the tudors and I know that Alice would be interested too.

The grounds were a lot bigger than I was expecting. Because it is right in the village, I thought it was going to be mainly the house. But I was wrong and you could see the grounds for miles.

We had a walk around, before we found a spot to have our picnic. The girls loved the pond that was in the middle.

We sat and had our picnic and we could see animals grazing in the distance. It was really quiet and peaceful.

After we had our picnic we explored the rest of the gardens, and through every walkway it took us to a new part to explore. There was a lot to see.

The cafe was open and offering light snacks and refreshments. It is card payment only at the moment and you need to wear a mask when entering. We didn’t go in the cafe on this occasion, as we took our own picnic.

Montacute House was a beautiful place to look around and the perfect stop over for us to stretch our legs and fill up our tummies, ready for the next part of our journey home.

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