My Girls…January 2020

The start of the month was lovely, the girls had quite a bit of time off school after Christmas and it was just what we all needed. We had lazy mornings, which are literally my favourite thing about the holidays.

When it was time for the girls to go back to school they were ready for it. I think we all were. I love having them home, but we definitely need routine in our life. It was hard getting back into it, and this cold wet weather hasn’t helped either. The girls have loved seeing all their friends again and being back at school. They definitely bicker less in the evenings when they’re at school and not in each others pockets.

We have a new after school routine, with clubs swapping days and Holly starting Rainbows. She is very excited about starting tomorrow and I can’t wait to see her in the outfit. I’ve managed to still keep Fridays free, which I’m quite protective over as I love being able to come home and just snuggle with my girls at the end of the week.

I can’t believe how much they are growing up at the moment. Alice is definitely entering a new phase, with a bit attitude, but thankfully not too much. She is also still the most kind and loving girl and as she gets older she has a great awareness of life and that makes things a lot easier. Holly is growing up every day and I have to remind myself that whilst she will always be my baby, she is nearly six years old. She is a young five year old, with all the silliness and fun side still and I love her for it.

There isn’t many thing I like about January, but I do love how slow it is. Things seem to be a lot quieter and our weekends are not crazy busy. We’ve been making the most if it and getting outdoors. We love to go on a walk and the girls often take a basket, with binoculars and a nature book to look for things. It was on a walk that I took these photos of the girls.


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