My Happiness non-negotiables list…

I was tagged by Donna over at What the Redhead said to share my happiness non-negotiable list. The things that I refuse to negotiate on, things that if they weren’t in my life, my happiness would be affected…

This got me thinking about what happiness really means and what really does make me happy. It goes without saying that my girls and husband make me happy, but its more than that.

So, here is my list…


I have always loved to read, from an early age you would often find me buried in a book, staying up far too late eager to find out the ending. Whenever I went on holiday, I would get excited about choosing which five books I would take with me to read. I would always finish them before the holiday ended and I  had no choice but to read my husbands books too, even if there were sport related!

Since having the girls I just don’t have the time like I used too. I still read every night when I go to bed, as I have a very active mind and I need to read to switch off. But whereas before children I would stay up for an hour or so reading, I am so tired I barely read a paragraph and I am asleep.

This year I have made an effort to go to bed earlier and take half an hour to read my book. I have found that I am a lot more relaxed at the end of each day and I am sleeping more soundly. I obviously need reading in my life…I have just finished the amazing The Girl on the Train.

Making time for me

I recently wrote a post about Recharging my mummy batteries, which I have come to realise over the last six months is really important for me. I adore being at home with my girls every day, but I have found that by having a few hours once in a while to reset my mummy batteries makes such a difference to how I am feeling and my happiness. It also has an affect on my girls, as I tend to have more patience, more energy which is only a good thing. This is now something I can’t live without, and it makes a much more happy house.

To worry less

I worry a lot and overthink things far too much. From little things, like if someone doesn’t return my text message, I worry I have done or said something to upset them, when in actually fact they are just rubbish at texting. I worry about the kind of mum I am to the girls and am I being a good enough wife. I worry about forgetting important things that are happening in my friends life, because my life is so busy and I am so tired. This sends my natural organisational skills into overdrive, with making lists and setting reminders on my phone, so I don’t forget things.

Worrying like this over little things in life doesn’t make me happy and I am trying really hard to take a step back when something little happens. When I can feel myself getting anxious and starting to worry, I try to take five minutes and look at the bigger picture. Does it really matter if my friend has her birthday card the day before her birthday, so she can open it in the morning or is it ok to have it on the actual day and open it when she gets home from work…

I have to work hard at this one all the time and is a constant one for me. But, it’s an important one for me to tackle.

To put my phone down

Since I have become a stay at home mum, I feel like my phone is permanently connected to me. It started when Alice arrived and I would constantly be on my phone, it was a way for me to feel connected to the outside world. When all I had for company was a month old baby, who really only fed and slept, I needed to feel like there was life outside my front door…

It has really just continued from there. From now on, I will be putting my phone down more and enjoy the people that I am with and the moment. There is nothing on Facebook or emails that can’t wait and I really don’t need to shop online as much as I do! Step away from the phone…


I love to go on holiday, a chance to totally switch off and relax and whilst it may not be as relaxing since we’ve had the girls. I love the time we have together as a family, away from the daily routine. My husband isn’t a massive fan of holidays, he likes to take time off work and spend it with us, but he would rather we stayed at home.

Having a family holiday every year is something that I won’t negotiate on, I think its important to get away from the daily routine, housework etc and I don’t think you relax the same, as you do on holiday.

Sorry Andy I win on this one!

So, there we go that’s my list. I found that really interesting to think about and write.

I’m tagging Louise over at squishedblueberries and Laura over at littleladiesbigworld if you’d like to share your non-negotiables when it comes to happiness.


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