Sharing The Blog Love Showcase…#60

Sharing The Blog Love Showcase…#60

Welcome to this week’s #SharingtheBlogLove showcase, a place for me to share my favourite posts from last week and to give them to extra love.


Instagram has always been the social media platform that I’ve loved the most and I would loose hours looking through my feed. Recent changes has meant that a lot of people including me have struggled to keep loving it. I loved reading this post from Kirsty, Using Flowers To Fall In Love With Instagram Again, it’s really lovely to see that she has found a way to love it again and what better way than with flowers. I also adore Kirsty’s photos, if you are not following her then I recommend popping over for a look.

Rhyming Mum

Before you become a parent you dream and have ideas about what it will be like. Then your baby arrives and the reality is very different. This post had me laughing out loud, Being Mum: The Dream vs The Reality It’s so true and any parent should read this and anyone thinking of becoming a parent, well read with caution your dreams are about to be shattered!

This Is Me Now

When you become pregnant for the second time and any subsequent pregnancies, they are never the same as that first time. Reading Susie’s post, 24 weeks pregnant update, brought it all back for me. With Alice I knew what size she was compared to a fruit and with Holly, I struggled to remember how many weeks pregnant I was! Of course the love and the worry is the same, but life is busy as you have another child to look after this time. For me this was an 16 month old Alice!

Mummy Snowy Owl

Alice loves Beauty and The Beast, she received the fancy dress costume for her birthday and she just wants to be Belle. When I saw this post, How To Make An Enchanted Rose, I knew it would be something that Alice would love to make and display in her room. I was also pleased to see that it looks fairly easy to make and one for us to do on a rainy day.

If you missed any of these last week, please pop over and give them some extra love…

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