The Coronavirus Diary…#28

Monday 23rd May 2021

I haven’t written an update for a month and the reason for that is, I’ve been feeling really flat recently. I think its a combination of what is happening at the moment and the constant rain we’ve been having. Until last week, all we could do was outdoor things and see people outdoors, but with the constant relentless rain that hasn’t been possible. As I sit here now, it’s pouring with rain again!

I haven’t felt in the mood to write and that isn’t like me. Normally I find that writing helps me, and that’s really why I started my blog. But today, I pushed through my thoughts and started this post.

Since I last wrote, I’ve had my first meal out with friends. We sat outside under cover and it was really lovely. It was nice to do something normal and to take that next step in getting back to some kind of normality. To chat with friends and eat a meal that I didn’t cook. We were lucky that it was a pleasant evening and we didn’t freeze.

Last week we took the next step in the roadmap out of lockdown and we can now have up to 6 people or 2 households inside our homes. Plus you can meet up to 30 people outside. To be able to have people in our home again is amazing, and also weird. It’s been such a long time since we’ve had anyone inside and that is a sentence I didn’t think I would ever write. I still find it very surreal this whole situation!

The girls had their friends over for a playdate and it was wonderful to hear the laughter in the house again. They were ridiculously excited and loved every minute of it.

Last week I also had my first vaccine and I’m extremely grateful to have it. Everyone that has been involved in getting us to this point are incredible. I had the astra zeneca vaccine and I did suffer with side effects for 24 hours. But, I’m not complaining and I would still have the vaccine again, because the side effects are worth it. Andy had his vaccine a couple of weeks before and so I was expecting to get side effects like he did. From what I’ve seen, I shouldn’t get any side effects when I get my second one.

This is the last week of school and then the girls and Andy are off for a week. The weather forecast is looking a lot dryer and warmer and I’m hoping that its true. We’ve got a couple of days out planned and I really hope that we can have a fairly normal half term.

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