Who will you nominate?

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I have been reading lots of wonderful blogs, long before I started writing my own blog and since I started blogging I have discovered even more brilliant blogs that I love to read.

Reading blogs has changed for me since I joined the blogging world, when I am reading them now, I have so much more appreciation for the beautiful photos that go along with the words. How they would have spent time getting the perfect shot and then editing them to be just right. When I see how many times they post blogs each week, I admire it, it really doesn’t take thirty minutes to knock one up, as someone said to me the other day…

Every single blogger that I have come across treats their blog as an extra member of their family, they love and nurture it and when you take the time to leave a comment, its like you have given a compliment to their child. It really is the best feeling when someone tells you they like what you have written.

This week they announced that the nominations were open for both the TOTS100 Mum and Dad Awards (‘the MADs’) and the BritMums Brilliant in Blogging Awards (the BiBs’). The BIBS and the MADs are the two big parenting awards of the year, in the world of blogging.

It’s a chance for the wonderful bloggers out there to get the recognition they deserve and to feel a bit of love from their readers and fellow bloggers.

Now, who to nominate …whilst reading this you may already know who has your vote, that’s fab and please do take the time to make that nomination.

Originally when I thought about writing this post to let you all know that these awards are taking place, I was going to include a list of blogs that would fit into the different categories and who I think are fab.

However, I have since decided not to do that.Why? because I want it to be your own personal choice and I don’t want to influence anyone into who they should nominate. Nominating someone for an award is a personal thing, to take the time to sit down and make that nomination for a blogger that you believe deserves the award is a wonderful thing to do.

I also wouldn’t want any bloggers to catch a glimpse of my post and look down the list and not see their name, because I couldn’t possibly list all the wonderful blogs out there.

Plus, I already share a page right here on my blog of blogs that I love to read, so it’s probably pretty obvious that some of them will appear on my nomination form. But, not all as I will be spreading my nominations to try and give as many as I can a nomination…Just you just wish you could  nominate everyone!

So, now it’s over to you to get nominating…if you read a blog regularly, then I encourage you take the time to let them know how much you love it and give them a nomination. You really would make their day…

That just leaves me to give you links to get nominating…

For the MADs nominations click here, nominations close on April 8th.

For the BiBs nominations click here, nominations close on April13th.

If you have a favourite blog, I would love you to leave a comment and let me know. I love finding new blogs to read.


Happy nominating and Good Luck to all my fellow bloggers!



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